Teaching Staff:
Headteacher: Mrs K. Dickson (DSL)
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs K. Dearing (DSL)
Nursery and Reception: Miss G. Goddard (Early Years Leader, English and Phonics Lead)
Year One: Miss E. Steele (Religious Education Lead, PSHCE Lead)
Year Two: Mrs A. Van Hecke (PHASE 1 Leader, PE and Extra Curricular Activity Leader, Sports Premium, Science Lead)
Year Three: Miss A. Ainscoe (Music Leader)
Year Four: Miss E. Rafferty (PHASE 2 Leader, Maths Leader, Creative Lead: Art and DT)
Year Five: Mrs K. Dearing (Deputy Headteacher, Assessment Lead, ECT Mentor, EAL Lead, Pupil Premium Lead, Trips and Visits Lead)
Year Six: Miss M. Ratchford (Computing Lead, History and Geography Lead)
Mrs A. Williams (SENCO, DSL and inclusion Lead, DSL, MFL Lead)
Mrs J. Harper (Child and Family Support Officer)
Support Staff:
Miss J Swain (TA Support)
Miss L Warner (TA Support)
Mrs J Keogh (TA Support)
Mrs M Amjad (TA Support)
Mrs Edwards (TA Support)
Miss Taylor (TA Support)
Mrs K Thornton (TA Support)
Mrs J Marks (TA Support)
Ms L. Ryan (TA Support)
Business Manager: Mrs L. Teasdale/Mrs S Coates
Caretaking/Cleaning Staff:
Site Manager: Mr J Tucci
Cleaner: Ms S. Johnson
Cleaner: Ms J Holland
Mid-day Supervisors:
Mrs S Leigh
Mrs B McDonald
Catering Supervisor: Mrs S Smith
Catering Assistant: Mrs A Moir
Catering Assistant: Ms V Dudley
Sports Coach (Junior Jam)
Computing Teacher (Junior Jam)
Music Teacher (Junior Jam)