Welcome to

Whitefield Community Primary School



Navy Jumper/Cardigan with School Logo - Plain navy jumpers and cardigans are permitted

Sky Blue Polo Shirt

Grey Trousers/ Grey Skirt/ Grey Pinafore

Grey / Black/ White Socks

Sensible Footwear: Colour Black - Black Trainers or Black school shoes



Short Grey Trousers

Blue and White Gingham Dress


P.E. Kit

Indoor Kit - Black shorts/ white t-shirt/ navy jumper

Outdoor Kit-Navy Jogging trousers/ White T-shirt/ Navy Jumper 


Long hair must be tied back in a bobble, in line with our health and safety policies. 

Jewellery must not be worn.

A watch (no Smart watches allowed) and a single pair of stud earrings can be worn but must be covered with a plaster or removed for PE. 


All clothing and footwear must be marked with the pupil’s name. While teachers do their best to help children find any property which has been lost at school, staff cannot be expected to accept responsibility for items of lost clothing, footwear, etc. Similarly staff cannot be expected to be responsible for money, toys, etc. brought to school by pupils.


Uniform orders are no longer taken directly through school... we are linked with a local supplier who provide all of our school jumpers with our school logo https://www.pts-schoolwear.co.uk/ 


All uniform is available from well known supermarkets and high street stores to ensure you can access uniform easily and does not need to be branded with the school logo. 


Book bags are available to buy from the school office, at a charge of £5.00. 


Pre Loved Uniform

School also have a large number of second hand, well cared for and washed items available. If you are interested in this, please contact the school office (or speak to Mrs Harper or Mrs Williams) who will be happy to help you. Or you can complete an order form (you will find these in the main office entry on the parent/carer notice board) and you can hand this to the school office with your child's name on. We will check if we have what you are looking for!  

Our School Uniform Policy

Welcome to

Whitefield Community Primary School



Navy Jumper/Cardigan with School Logo - Plain navy jumpers and cardigans are permitted

Sky Blue Polo Shirt

Grey Trousers/ Grey Skirt/ Grey Pinafore

Grey / Black/ White Socks

Sensible Footwear: Colour Black - Black Trainers or Black school shoes



Short Grey Trousers

Blue and White Gingham Dress


P.E. Kit

Indoor Kit - Black shorts/ white t-shirt/ navy jumper

Outdoor Kit-Navy Jogging trousers/ White T-shirt/ Navy Jumper 


Long hair must be tied back in a bobble, in line with our health and safety policies. 

Jewellery must not be worn.

A watch (no Smart watches allowed) and a single pair of stud earrings can be worn but must be covered with a plaster or removed for PE. 


All clothing and footwear must be marked with the pupil’s name. While teachers do their best to help children find any property which has been lost at school, staff cannot be expected to accept responsibility for items of lost clothing, footwear, etc. Similarly staff cannot be expected to be responsible for money, toys, etc. brought to school by pupils.


Uniform orders are no longer taken directly through school... we are linked with a local supplier who provide all of our school jumpers with our school logo https://www.pts-schoolwear.co.uk/ 


All uniform is available from well known supermarkets and high street stores to ensure you can access uniform easily and does not need to be branded with the school logo. 


Book bags are available to buy from the school office, at a charge of £5.00. 


Pre Loved Uniform

School also have a large number of second hand, well cared for and washed items available. If you are interested in this, please contact the school office (or speak to Mrs Harper or Mrs Williams) who will be happy to help you. Or you can complete an order form (you will find these in the main office entry on the parent/carer notice board) and you can hand this to the school office with your child's name on. We will check if we have what you are looking for!  

Our School Uniform Policy
